Pam’s Blog

IANDS Santa Barbara

IANDS Santa Barbara

Pam has been talking with guides and loved ones on the “other side” for over 36 years. She is now receiving unusual information that has never come through before! Would you like to know what these intriguing times are revealing and what’s ahead for us? Are you...

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Replay of Conscious Creators Master Class Series

Replay of Conscious Creators Master Class Series

I’m excited to let you know that Tonya Blakely is letting us hear replays of the Conscious Creators Master Class Series again for FREE for two days only – May 8 & 9. Just go here. You can listen to as many speakers as you want on those two days –...

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IANDS Maui Event

IANDS Maui Event

Join IANDS Maui and I as I share fascinating information that includes my expansive understanding of life, ourselves, our loved ones, spirit guides, our purpose for being here, the nature of reality, reincarnation, near-death experiences, and more. Discover how this...

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Violet Aura Colors

Violet Aura Colors

Violets are the visionaries and communicators on the planet. They sense they have a big purpose — to help save the planet or change it for the better, to help improve the quality of life for people, to inspire people, to spread important messages, and to educate the...

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Blue Aura Colors

Blue Aura Colors

Blue aura colors are the most emotional, nurturing, and supportive personalities among the Love Colors. Their highest priorities are love and spirituality. Living predominantly from their hearts, they tend to cry easily. They cry when they are happy, sad, angry, or...

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Green Aura Colors

Green Aura Colors

Green Aura Colors are incredibly intelligent and quick, and they are drawn to money and power. Typically, they are found in the business world and are some of the sharpest and most accomplished people on the planet. They are movers and shakers, often workaholics. They...

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There Are Many Different Tan Aura Colors

There Are Many Different Tan Aura Colors

There are many different Tans: Logical Tan, Sensitive Tan, Environmental Tan, and Abstract Tan. Most of them have very similar qualities, so I discuss relationships with Tan Aura Colors as if they were all one group. For more details on each particular Tan Aura Color,...

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Yellow Aura Colors

Yellow Aura Colors

Some Yellow Aura Colors are incredibly shy and sensitive, while others are outgoing, playful, energetic, and funny — often the life of the party. Despite these opposite behaviors, Yellows have many traits that make them easily identifiable. In-power Yellow Aura Colors...

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Magenta Aura Colors

Magenta Aura Colors

Magenta aura colors are bizarre, eccentric nonconformists. They love to shock people and challenge the status quo. They insist on living life to the beat of their own drummer and usually do not care whom they please or offend. In power, Magenta aura colors are bright,...

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Orange Aura Colors

Orange Aura Colors

Orange aura colors are physical daredevils. Venturing into dangerous locations and putting their lives on the line to feel alive excites them. They enjoy testing their mental and physical skills by challenging nature, competing against an adversary, or performing...

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Red Aura Colors

Red Aura Colors

Red aura colors are strong-willed, powerful, practical, down-to-earth people who, first and foremost, love to express themselves through their physical bodies. They thoroughly enjoy the basic pleasures of life — food, drink, sex, and other physical gratifications. Red...

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 © 2015 Aura Colors

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