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Contact Us

Thank you for visiting Aura Colors!

FAQ page: If you have questions, please visit the FAQ page first to see if I have answered your questions already!

Support: Do you have any questions or need support? Contact us using this form. Thank you!

Media: If you’d like Pamala to be a guest speaker for your organization, please email us at [email protected].
Address: Pamala Oslie ~ PO Box 30035 ~ Santa Barbara, CA ~ 93130

If you don’t have a Premium membership: I will read every email and letter that I receive. Please understand, however, that I will not always be able to reply to personal emails, or do so in a timely manner. But I will do my best to reply. Thank you sincerely for understanding and for not taking it personally.

If you have questions about your aura colors, I have written everything I know about the aura in my books Life Colors & Love Colors, and have answered other questions on the FAQs page. Hopefully you will find your answers inside those books.

I have also written or recorded a lot of advice and information on my website, and in my other books and products to help you with your life. See if you find the answers you are searching for there.

Again, if you have questions or comments that are not covered by any of these options, then by all means, feel free to contact my office. We are here to help.

I hope that visiting my website has at least stimulated different ideas and thoughts in you. I hope you enjoy your life journey and that you stay connected with us – on some level. I would love it if you would share interesting or wonderful success stories with me – and others – on this website.

Here’s to you experiencing a wonderful, purposeful, and joyful life!


Take The Free Aura Colors Quiz Now!
Take this simple quiz and find out how your aura colors affect your life.
Aura Colors
 © 2015 Aura Colors

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