Pam’s Blog

What Do My Aura Colors Mean?

What Do My Aura Colors Mean?

Your aura is an energy or electromagnetic field that radiates from you. We all emit energy, an aura. Even if we can’t see this energy, we’ve all felt it – we’ve felt instantly comfortable or drawn to someone but uncomfortable around someone else. We’re sensing their...

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What does a Violet color in my aura mean?

What does a Violet color in my aura mean?

If you have Violet (sometimes called purple) in your aura – Violets have a sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that of the average person. Most have felt this way since childhood. Violet aura color people are...

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Can I Learn How to See Auras?

Can I Learn How to See Auras?

Seeing and sensing auras are natural abilities: You have probably felt drawn to certain people. You felt comfortable standing near them. You have most likely also felt uneasy, uncomfortable, or even repelled by other people. You were feeling or sensing their energy...

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People and Pets Compatibility

People and Pets Compatibility

People have asked about pets and auracolor compatibility so this is what I’ve observed over the years. Generally, but not always, these are the pets found with the different auracolors personalities: Yellow auracolors like dogs and dogs like Yellows. Both are fun and...

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What Your Aura Reveals About You

What Your Aura Reveals About You

We all emit energy, an aura. Science calls it an electromagnetic or energy field. The aura has been scientifically detected through Kirlian photography and other electronic equipment. Even if some can’t see this energy, we’ve all felt it – we’ve felt instantly...

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Awakening into your Purpose, Power and Quantum Potential!

Awakening into your Purpose, Power and Quantum Potential!

I am excited to be one of 21 speakers in this global online event who are here to encourage and support you on your life journey! We each offer you different tools, methods, meditations, and insights to show you how you can have what you desire and how you can evolve...

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The Power of Inspiration & Awakening Radio

The Power of Inspiration & Awakening Radio

Metaphysical Mysteries & Revelation Julia Griffin and I discuss my new book, The Truth According to John: A Metaphysical Mystery of Revelation and Transformation, which is met with positive reviews, including one from Jeff Arch, the Oscar-nominated screenwriter...

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I’m about to make my next Quantum Leap in life and would love for you to make your next leap too! Before I leap, I’m offering you my very advanced Quantum Leap eCourse at a HUGE discount until Sept 20, 2021, to help you develop these advanced abilities now!! You can...

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Stress & Living Better

Stress & Living Better

A lecturer discussing stress raised a glass of water and asked, “How heavy is this glass of water?” The answers called out ranged from 20g to 500g. The lecturer replied, ”The actual weight doesn’t matter. It depends on how long you try to hold it....

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Take The Free Aura Colors Quiz Now!
Take this simple quiz and find out how your aura colors affect your life.
Aura Colors
 Â© 2015 Aura Colors

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