Can anyone learn to see auras? Yes, I believe we all have the ability to see or sense these energy fields – or auras. They are natural abilities, but few […]
Are There Good and Bad Colors? There are no good or bad, ‘better than’ or ‘worse than’ colors – each color simply reflects a desire for a certain experience in […]
How to Discover Your Aura Colors Most people find the best way to discover their true Life Colors is to take the following steps: – Answer the questionnaire – Watch […]
Do animals have auras? Animals have either a silver-blue aura – which means the animal believes he or she is an animal; or a golden-yellow aura – which means the […]
Are there black auras? Pam has never seen a black aura. In her experience, black is the absence of color. But she believes other people when they tell her they […]
What are “life colors”? There are numerous colored bands in a person’s aura; each color reveals a different quality or personality trait. Some people may have five different bands of […]
Why is it important to know my aura “life colors”? There are many valuable clues about a person hidden in their aura. The various aura life colors reveal a person’s […]
I feel I have different colors than LifeColorsCity gave me. Please return to the Colors Questionnaire and look at your answers again. Make sure you answered the questions thoroughly and […]
What is “in power” and “out of power”? When a person with a certain color is described as being “in power” – it means that person is living the positive […]
What if I am attracted to someone who has colors that are not compatible with mine? The information we provide is meant to serve as a guide, not as an […]