Do animals have auras?

Do animals have auras?

Do animals have auras?

Animals have either a silver-blue aura – which means the animal believes he or she is an animal; or a golden-yellow aura – which means the animal believes he or she is a person. Remember, there are no good or bad, better than or worse than aura colors. The life colors reflect a desire for a certain experience on the planet this time. If your pet chose a silver-blue aura in this lifetime, it means he or she wanted to know what it felt like to be an animal. Also, many animals are far more in touch with their essence and their connection to Source than most humans. Most animals are happy with life, content to be what they are, and not as emotionally tortured or troubled as humans. So by no means, do we need to judge the animals’ aura colors or their chosen experience in this life.

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