I am so excited to share this podcast! I was recently interviewed by Julia Griffin on her show, The Power of Inspiration & Awakening Radio. I am revealing some of […]
Often we block prosperity from our lives because we believe in scarcity. We’re taught there are a limited number of pieces to the pie and if we get more, others […]
Have you been trying to use the Law of Attraction to Manifest all your wants and desires but still seem to be coming up short? Have you watched the movie […]
You may be ready for some extra love and support to keep you inspired this year. Here are some ideas for your specific aura colors that can help you stay on […]
Will your 2016 intentions lose steam or will they magnetically attract all the people and resources to bring them into reality? Join my friends Marci and Debra for their year […]
Oranges, enjoying the shift from winter to spring just means you change your skis and snowboards for another sport. You are the embodiment of living life to the fullest and […]
Green is often the first color to emerge in nature when spring arrives. You Greens are able to bring forth new opportunities, new organizations, new ideas, new businesses, and new […]
What are your real but very natural, greater abilities? Some might call the following abilities gifts. For myself, I consider life to be a gift and view the following talents […]
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or […]
What you can bring to the holidays with your special aura color gifts. Oranges, your adventurous spirit lends well to bringing something out of the ordinary to the party. You […]