What if I am attracted to someone who has colors that are not compatible with mine?

What if I am attracted to someone who has colors that are not compatible with mine?

What if I am attracted to someone who has colors that are not compatible with mine?

The information we provide is meant to serve as a guide, not as an absolute. Any two people with enough love and commitment can create a long-lasting, harmonious relationship. The information was designed to help you find, understand, and then create a great relationship. There are certain Life Colors that are naturally more compatible with one another, so less work may be required to maintain that partnership. There are also some colors with such opposing personalities that serious work and attention will most likely be needed to build a life together.

We encourage you to use the information in the videos and written material to help you understand and appreciate each other’s personality, priorities, and desires. This information can help you create a fulfilling relationship with any of the life colors.

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 © 2015 Aura Colors

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