Some ideas of the positive things you Violet and Blue Aura Colors can bring to your gatherings. Violet Auras – with your emotional depth, compassion, and ability to see the bigger […]

Here are some ideas of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your green and tan aura colors. Green Auras, you have a great ability to plan […]

I was just interviewed on this show “Know the Name; Know the Answers”. I thought you might enjoy listening in. Just click on this link to hear the replay: […]

Moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your aura colors. Lavender Auras, […]

Moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your aura colors. Magenta Auras, your […]

Since we’re moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you Yellow and Crystal Auras can bring to your gatherings with […]

Some of you Green Auras are experiencing challenges right now with your work and finances – maybe you’re unfulfilled, struggling, or out of work completely. Here are helpful tips to […]

Many of you have added Indigo into your aura colors now so you may relate to the descriptions of the Indigo Auras. The info is valid for you whether you […]

You Crystal Auras are much more sensitive to energies than most of the other aura color personalities. So when people become more stressed and fearful than usual, it can really […]

Here is some information to help Blue Auras stay healthy and balanced. Blue Auras tend to give and give and give. You’re the caretakers and emotionally supportive nurturers who lovingly […]