People have asked about pets and auracolor compatibility so this is what I’ve observed over the years. Generally, but not always, these are the pets found with the different auracolors […]

I’m about to make my next Quantum Leap in life and would love for you to make your next leap too! Before I leap, I’m offering you my very advanced […]

There are many different Tans: Logical Tan, Sensitive Tan, Environmental Tan, and Abstract Tan. Most of them have very similar qualities, so I discuss relationships with Tan Aura Colors as […]

Magenta aura colors are bizarre, eccentric nonconformists. They love to shock people and challenge the status quo. They insist on living life to the beat of their own drummer and […]

Orange aura colors are physical daredevils. Venturing into dangerous locations and putting their lives on the line to feel alive excites them. They enjoy testing their mental and physical skills […]

Red aura colors are strong-willed, powerful, practical, down-to-earth people who, first and foremost, love to express themselves through their physical bodies. They thoroughly enjoy the basic pleasures of life — […]

Throughout the ages artists have depicted the aura as a halo or glowing light that appears around the heads or bodies of highly evolved spiritual masters and saints. Apparently, the […]

The ego was created to perceive and interact with the “physical” world – just like the eye was created to help us perceive and navigate the physical world. Neither the […]

Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship. Why […]

I’ve created a list of cool gift ideas for the different aura color personalities to help you with your holiday shopping. Instead of just guessing what to buy someone, I’m […]