Aura Colors

Your aura is an energy or electromagnetic field that radiates from you. We all emit energy, an aura. Even if we can’t see this energy, we’ve all felt it – […]

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If you have Violet (sometimes called purple) in your aura – Violets have a sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that […]

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Seeing and sensing auras are natural abilities: You have probably felt drawn to certain people. You felt comfortable standing near them. You have most likely also felt uneasy, uncomfortable, or […]

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Yes. Although people with different aura colors can be found in every city, state, and country, different areas tend to attract certain aura color personalities. People with specific aura colors […]

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We all emit energy, an aura. Science calls it an electromagnetic or energy field. The aura has been scientifically detected through Kirlian photography and other electronic equipment. Even if some […]

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I am so excited to share this podcast! I was recently interviewed by Julia Griffin on her show, The Power of Inspiration & Awakening Radio. I am revealing some of […]

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Pam has been talking with guides and loved ones on the “other side” for over 36 years. She is now receiving unusual information that has never come through before! Would […]

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Violets are the visionaries and communicators on the planet. They sense they have a big purpose — to help save the planet or change it for the better, to help […]

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Blue aura colors are the most emotional, nurturing, and supportive personalities among the Love Colors. Their highest priorities are love and spirituality. Living predominantly from their hearts, they tend to […]

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Green Aura Colors are incredibly intelligent and quick, and they are drawn to money and power. Typically, they are found in the business world and are some of the sharpest […]

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Aura Colors
 © 2015 Aura Colors

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