Blues are among the most nurturing and devoted partners. They live for love. One of their greatest joys and sources of fulfillment is knowing that they are in a loving, committed, and monogamous relationship. When Blues fall in love, there is nothing they won’t...
YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend.
YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend. They love to make people happy, so they need partners who give them positive feedback, not constant criticism of their...
Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part three
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that...
Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part two
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that...
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe “Spirituality: Walking your Spiritual Path – A Path of Divine Love” is the special guest on my radio show on Monday, February 8, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT.
Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe “Spirituality: Walking your Spiritual Path – A Path of Divine Love” is the special guest on my radio show on Monday, February 8, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. You can join us on www.localhost/auracolors and 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. World-renowned Dr....
Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part one
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that...
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, “Dreams Decoded and Subconscious Spirituality Revealed” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, Feb 1, 5:00 – 6:00pm PT.
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, “Dreams Decoded and Subconscious Spirituality Revealed” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, Feb 1, 5:00 – 6:00pm PT. You can join us on www.localhost/auracolors or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara. Rosemary discusses decoding dreams, unlocking the...
Ute Soltner, Astrology 2016 on my radio show 1/25 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT
What’s ahead for us this year? Join us to find out how Neptune is affecting our emotions and our weather in 2016. Discover how you can handle all the changes that are happening, and why they are occurring at this time. How do solar eclipses fit in this year, is Pluto...
My radio show guest on Monday, Jan 11, 5:00 pm PT is Lori Spagna “How Psychic Are You? 7 Simple Steps to Unlocking Your Psychic Potential” – Transformational Healing and Ascension Activations for YOU and YOUR Animal Companions
My radio show guest on Monday, Jan 11, 5:00 pm PT is Lori Spagna “How Psychic Are You? 7 Simple Steps to Unlocking Your Psychic Potential” – Transformational Healing and Ascension Activations for YOU and YOUR Animal Companions You can listen...
Pam on “The Edge of the Unknown” on Sunday, Jan 10 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT
Pam will be a guest on “The Edge of the Unknown” on Sunday, Jan 10 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT (8:00 – 10:00 pm ET.) We’ll be discussing advanced abilities, auras, consciousness, telepathy, psychic abilities, and more. If you missed Saturday night’s discussion, this is...
Pam on “The Paranormal View” – Saturday, 5:00 pm PT
For those of you who want to hear some fascinating conversations about parallel universes, telepathy, auras, psychic abilities, past lives, and more – I will be a guest on “The Paranormal View” on Saturday, Jan 9 at 5:00 – 7:00 pm PT (8:00 – 10:00 pm ET) and...
2016 Predictions
People have asked me to share what I see for 2016 (and beyond) so here it is. I always encourage people to listen to their own intuition, so please believe, imagine, and envision any personal and global future that you desire. I have no political, religious, or...