Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part three

Your Aura Colors & Relationships – part three

Your Aura Colors & Relationships

Why are some people compatible with you and you feel instantly comfortable with them, while others can rub you the wrong way? The answer can be found in your electro-magnetic field, sometimes called the aura or bio-energy that radiates from you. Author and aura expert Pamala Oslie has discovered, through her ability to see the aura for the past 30 years, that your aura colors reveal important information about you – your personality, relationship styles, best career direction, health, how you deal with money, and more.

In honor of Valentine’s Day, here are some short descriptions of what the different aura color personalities need to have happy and fulfilling relationships, and what you can expect if you are in a relationship with each of them.

To discover your own personal aura colors take the free quiz at www.localhost/auracolors.

CRYSTALS: Crystals tend to be loving, kind, and serene. They are usually quiet and introspective beings that require a tremendous amount of time alone. They love to be at home, quietly sitting in meditation or connecting with their garden. Having clear auras, Crystals are chameleons who take on the energies of those around them. They need intelligent, happy, well-adjusted, respectful, and considerate partners because Crystals tend to absorb the emotions, feelings, and struggles of their partners. Crystals can become energetically drained and depressed if they are with partners who are unhappy, angry, or in any other way dysfunctional. They need to be with people who exhibit positive behavior. When Crystals are with healthy partners, those who also understand and accept their sensitive and unusual qualities, they flourish. Crystals need to connect with mates who support them and send them energy rather than drain them. Then Crystals feel alive and happy.

REDS: Anyone who is going to spend quality time with Reds will need to be healthy and in great physical shape. Most Reds enjoy strenuous, robust activities. They prefer partners who have strength, stamina, and vitality. There are the traditional, hardworking, salt-of-the-earth Reds, as well as the zesty, hot-blooded, physically passionate lovers. The strong-willed Reds are happiest with partners who are highly physical, independent, trustworthy, and self-sufficient, with a strong sense of self-worth.

ORANGES: Orange personalities are risk-taking daredevils who need the adrenaline rush of thrilling physical adventures. Oranges are not homebodies. So in order to have a compatible relationship with an Orange, you will have to be brave enough to accompany them on their adventures, or learn to be independent and self-reliant and not be bothered by your partner’s excursions without you. Oranges prefer partners who are autonomous, efficient, highly intelligent, unconventional, adventurous, and physically stimulating.

MAGENTAS: If you’re going to be in relationship with a Magenta, you’ll need to understand that these outlandish characters are the nonconformists and eccentric personalities of the aura colors. Healthy Magentas are outrageous, fun loving, free spirited, and spontaneous. Magentas appreciate partners who can be zany and impulsive and able to tolerate, even enjoy, the Magenta’s bizarre and shocking behavior. The more spontaneous and outrageous you are, the better. Magentas can become bored quickly if things become too predictable. They also don’t like relationships that get too serious or demanding. To them, being emotionally responsible for anyone is confining. So partners need to be independent, wild, fun, creative, and free.

May you have a fun, fulfilling, and love-filled life!


Founder Pam Oslie


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