
Dear Friends,I’m always committed to our happiness, fulfillment and evolution so I’m announcing two very special events. TED (Technology Entertainment and Design) is a global set of conferences that features […]

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On my radio show Monday, November 5, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT my special guest is Intuitive Business Coach Monique Guild. “Removing Obstacles To Business Success” – Or find […]

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You may have connected with a Tan if he or she… is practical, logical and responsible. prefers to earn a steady paycheck. has a job that deals with details (I.E. […]

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Pam will be taking calls on her radio show on Monday, Oct 29, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. If you would like a free psychic reading, you can call toll […]

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Pam will be a guest on the following 4 shows if you’d like to join her. They’re going to have fun – discussing all types of topics & taking calls […]

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I’m excited to announce that Gregg Braden will discuss his book “Deep Truth” on my radio show on Monday, Oct 22, 2012 at 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. Gregg […]

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This doctor’s near death experience was so beautiful I had to share it with you. It’s a great reminder that we are more than we’ve been taught to beileve. I […]

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You’ve Left Clues… I’ve been contemplating a lot of things lately. Here’s one of the things I’ve been considering… Through my experiences as a psychic or “sensitive” for the past […]

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Hello Everyone, Here’s another wonderful opportunity to hear the latest from world-renowned new-paradigm thinkers, healers, authors and spiritual teachers. I’ve been invited to join 23 other speakers on the free […]

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CHECK OUT THE TELESEMINARS…. Yes. Even though people with different aura colors are in every city, state, and country, different areas tend to attract certain aura colors. For example, Yellows […]

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