I assuming you, like the rest of us, are experiencing a roller coaster of feelings and emotions. Some days, you’re fine. Other days, there may be waves of grief or […]

So many concerned people have asked me to comment about what we can possibly do to create more peace on the planet in these “challenging” and changing times. My heart […]

Welcome to “A Handful of Hope” with Jesse Brisendine every day he is bringing you a new expert with tools, tips, tactics, and strategies that will help you navigate through […]

Yellow Aura Colors are fun loving and free-spirited. You are optimistic beings whose life purpose is to bring joy to people, to have fun, and to help people, animals or […]

Here are some thoughts on how Orange Aura Colors can help us usher in spring! Orange Aura Colors, enjoying the shift from winter to spring just means you change your […]

This is the perfect season to bring new life to your dreams. It’s the ideal time to plant seeds of your ideas into the fertile and lush energy of the […]

Spring represents new birth, new life, new creations, new commitments, new perspectives, and new growth! This is the perfect season to bring new life to your dreams. Just as nature […]

Spring represents new perspectives, and new growth! This is the perfect season to bring new life to your dreams. It’s the ideal time to plant seeds of your ideas into […]

Spring represents new birth, new life, new creations, new commitments, new perspectives, and new growth! Here are some thoughts on how Yellow Aura Colors can help us usher in spring! […]

Spring represents new birth, new life, new creations, new commitments, new perspectives, and new growth! Here are some thoughts on how Magenta Aura Colors can help us usher in spring! […]