Bringing the Shift Now

Bringing the Shift Now

I assuming you, like the rest of us, are experiencing a roller coaster of feelings and emotions. Some days, you’re fine. Other days, there may be waves of grief or anxiety. If you are, you’re not alone. (If you’ve been strong and stable throughout these times, thank you for holding your strong knowingness so that there is ground under us.) My heart and soul are with you all. I’m just showing up and doing the best I can to help us navigate this time of shift.

To support each of us making it through this major shift with inner peace, grace and ease – and hopefully if we clearly focus and intend – much more quickly…

I’m calling forth ALL of you who know that thoughts, beliefs and intentions are energy and carry creative power.

We’ve heard the wakeup call and are making the shift NOW – not in months or years – but NOW! I’m asking each of us to align with any or all of these powerful and positive affirmations – now and always, not just at a specific time – always! Please see if any of these affirmations resonate with you and can help you shift how you feel. They go above and beyond the world’s current circumstances and speak to our higher potential, our higher selves. Focusing on and really feeling the greater truths in these thoughts can shift the energy for all of us. Thank you for anything you can do.

I hope you can deeply FEEL each these affirmations when you read them. Emotions carry powerful manifesting energy.

  • I am WHOLE, healthy and fully alive!
  • WE are WHOLE, healthy and fully alive!
  • The earth is WHOLE, healthy and fully alive!
  • EVERYTHING is WHOLE, healthy and fully alive!

Love and light are just not weak, sweet and passive concepts. They are dynamic and creative energies!

  • Love & Light are more real and more powerful than anything that appears to be not that.
  • I am Love & Light and am more real and more powerful than anything that appears to be not that.
  • WE are Love & Light and are more real and more powerful than anything that appears to be not that.
  • The earth is Love & Light and is more real and more powerful than anything that appears to be not that.
  • EVERYTHING is Love & Light and knows it is more real and more powerful than anything that appears to be not that.
  • I am love & light, therefore I radiate love & light and experience love & light.
  • WE are love & light, therefore WE radiate love & light and experience love & light.
  • The earth is love & light, therefore she radiates love & light and experiences love & light.
  • EVERYTHING is love & light and KNOWS it radiates love & light and experiences only love & light.
  • I choose to live NOW as a beautiful, powerful and loving Being of Light.
  • WE choose to live now as beautiful, powerful and loving Beings of Light.
  • The earth knows herself to be a beautiful, powerful and loving Being of Light.
  • EVERYTHING knows itself to be a beautiful, powerful and loving Being of Light.

We don’t need pain and suffering any more to experience compassion. We ARE love and compassion.

We don’t need anger and blame to make changes. We can see our part in creation and consciously choose now to change – with no fear and no resistance.

Nature is not angry and getting back at us. We are nature and we are reflecting back to ourselves, as is everything we see and experience, what we believe and project.

We choose now to have new thoughts, new beliefs, new positive speech, a new powerful, loving awareness and new actions.

We choose now to wake up! We choose now to realize once again these greater truths about ourselves and the nature of life. It’s time we make this shift now! The alignment and affirmation of many who focus on love and light is powerful, just as the sun’s light is powerful.

WE choose NOW to live the magnificence, love and truth of who we truly are! We are creating a new world – heaven on earth. So be it!

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