Indigo auras are psychic, spiritual, sensitive, independent, strong-willed, highly principled, technically adept, and often androgynous. Signs of stress: You’re depressed, lost, confused, angry, rebellious, judgmental, shut down, withdrawn, suicidal, extremely […]

People frequently report seeing white, gold, or pink in the aura. The Life Color gold can be seen around highly evolved spiritual masters and usually signifies a very high vibration. […]

Tans are practical, logical, patient, detail-oriented, reliable, and value stability & security. Signs of stress: You’re worried, anxious, impatient, frustrated, critical, bottling up anger or intense emotions, pessimistic, withdrawn or […]

Blues are loving, nurturing, spiritual, emotional, and perpetually counseling and helping others. Signs of stress: You’re exhausted from giving too much, you’re sad, cry a lot, feel unappreciated, feel unlovable or […]

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Violets are visionaries, leaders, teachers, artists & humanitarians who want to help the world. Signs of stress: You’ve become overwhelmed, scattered, constantly multi-tasking, stuck, bored, restless, or depressed; or you’re […]

I don’t know if there are any words anymore, or enough love and compassion to give those who have experienced the recent tragedies. Actually, all of us are being affected […]

Greens are intelligent and driven accomplishers, often business-owners, managers, sales, etc. Signs of stress: You’ve become a workaholic; you’re frustrated, critical, controlling, arguing, yelling, blaming others, or being hard on […]
Yellow auras are fun-loving, humorous, creative, physical, generous, sensitive & natural healers. Signs that you’re stressed: You are not laughing and enjoying life. You’re avoiding, procrastinating or distracting yourself with addictions (food, […]