YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend.

YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend.

YELLOWS: The fun-loving Yellows need playmates. These big kids at heart need to laugh and enjoy life with their partner as their best friend. They love to make people happy, so they need partners who give them positive feedback, not constant criticism of their spontaneous, childlike and youthful behavior. If they get the impression that they are perpetually disappointing their partner, they will lose their natural enthusiasm and eventually give up trying to please their partner.
Healthy, balanced Yellows enjoy partners who are playful, happy, spontaneous, curious, optimistic, physically active, healthy, and content with the simple things in life. (Unbalanced, out-of-power Yellows need to be careful because they can get involved in negative addictions together. This ultimately results in an unhealthy, dysfunctional relationship.) Yellows need to remember to exercise, stay healthy, and keep a sense of humor!
Goldie Hawn (Blue/Yellow) and Kurt Russell (Yellow/Tan) have found a way to keep their relationship healthy and playful.
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