Writing Your Love Colors Dating Profile

Writing Your Love Colors Dating Profile

Writing Your Love Colors Dating Profile

Writing Your Profile
Writing your profile can make an enormous difference in attracting your ideal partner. Here are some suggestions to help you create an effective, fresh, and interesting profile. We encourage you to be unique, creative, and authentic.

Invest Your Time
Invest thoughtful time and energy into presenting the true you. If you don’t have time to really think about who you are and what you want in a partner or write about the authentic you in your profile, how will you have time for a relationship?

Words and Tone
The words you use and the tone you set in your profile communicate a lot about you, so think carefully about what you say and how you express yourself. We also suggest you write your content when you’re having a good day so people can see you at your best. Writing when you are frustrated, angry, or depressed could cause you to write a profile in a tone that doesn’t represent the real you – the wonderful, amazing, and unique you.

Be Creative
There are plenty of ordinary profiles filled with common, cliché statements. People often write that they like to dine out, walk on the beach, play with the dog, or spend time with friends and family. Make your profile unique. Be creative. Be original – since you are an original. Be specific about you, your personality, and the inner you, so it sets you apart from cookie-cutter profiles.

Use examples of who you are rather than just writing a list of adjectives that describe you. For example, rather than saying you are “funny”- show us you are funny. If you have a sense of humor, let it show in your profile. Or reveal what makes you laugh. Humor shows that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you can be fun company. Rather than merely writing that you are a “music lover” – describe what types of music you like and why. If you are active and athletic, maybe explain why. Do you enjoy being physical and spending time outdoors for the pure joy of it? Are you interested in health and fitness? Are you competitive, is it how you release stress, or is it how you stay clear-headed and balanced? If you are deep and contemplative, describe how you spend your time and what topics you think about. If you are sensitive, quiet, and shy – reveal what you love to do and why. If you tend to be a loner, explain how and why you would share your life with a companion.

Be Honest
Don’t be afraid to be real. If you want to be with someone who accepts the real you – show us the real you. If you misrepresent yourself, once someone meets you they will quickly learn you cannot be trusted and the potential for a meaningful connection may end before it begins. It’s better to learn to believe in yourself and give people a chance to like the real you. If it takes a little longer to meet that special person, it will be worth it. This way, you won’t exhaust yourself pretending to be someone you’re not. Although it’s important to be honest, you don’t need to over-emphasize something about yourself that you may think is negative. For example, when it comes to weight you can describe yourself as large, voluptuous, or curvy.

Be Positive
Be positive about yourself. Everyone has qualities that are valuable and traits that are likeable. Be sure to include the best version of yourself. There’s no need to spend time writing things that could push people away. Avoid negative references in your profile. If you write about your self-doubt, lack of hope, past failures, or disappointments, you will make yourself less attractive to others. Complainers and overly critical people are not enjoyable as dates or partners. If you have a list of “deal-breakers” (moral, religious, financial, family, or social), mention them in a positive tone.

Share Your Colors
For additional content ideas, you could refer to the color descriptions Pamala Oslie has shared in her videos and written text to help paint an accurate picture of who you are. One of the special benefits that LoveColors offers is providing a new “language.” Members can easily learn to identify, understand, and discuss the different personality qualities of a Blue, Yellow, Violet, Red, Green, and more. Sharing your colors and describing yourself using the language of the colors can be a unique way for others to understand who you are.

Other Content Ideas
Consider adding a favorite short poem, song, or quote that could attract your favorite life color. (Be sure to credit the author.) If you want to capture the attention of a Blue, for example, adding a quote or lyric about love and romance could be beneficial. A Violet may be inspired by a quote from a great leader or humanitarian. If you want to attract a Yellow, add something funny and entertaining to your profile. You might want to approach your profile as if you are writing to your best friend – open, honest, and friendly.

Steps to Take
Create your profile on paper or in a word processing program so you can easily edit and refine it before cutting and pasting it into LoveColors. Save your document for future changes and updates. Before submitting your profile, you may want to read it out loud. This is a good way to find errors, typos, and awkward sentences. Make sure you spell check. Misspelled words are a yellow flag for people reading your profile. If you care enough to use good grammar and spelling, you will set yourself apart from those who do not make the effort. It will show you care.

User Name
Your username says a lot about you so choose something that reflects who you are. Keep in mind that creative usernames are eye-catching and can prompt a reader to click on your full profile to learn more about you. Sometimes anonymous and simple user names such as “Mary2428” or “Mick398” are effective. It is important, though, not to use any significant or self-identifying names or numbers in your username. Be aware that if you decide to be bold – “Wildwoman352” or “DareDevil99” – you will create certain assumptions in members’ minds. Be mindful of the impressions you are making.

Photos are important – they’re worth a thousand words. We offer suggestions on how to post your best and most effective photos at Tips on Photos. If you are concerned that someone you know may see your picture, remember it will be because that person is online, looking for someone special as well. Make sure your photos do not exceed the file size limit and are JPG, PNG, or GIF.

Length of Profile
When considering length, remember that short and sweet is better than a novel about your life. Yes, your life is fascinating and complex, but maybe save most of that for later conversations. Leave them wanting more, not overwhelmed. Don’t be so brief, however, that they aren’t able to learn enough about you. Find a balance – interesting and enriching, with just enough information.

Describing Your Ideal Partner
The choices you make in describing your ideal partner can have a positive or negative impact on members who read your profile. Unless there are “deal-breaker” qualities that are absolutely not acceptable to you, you may want to stay as open-minded and expansive as possible when describing your preferences. You may end up eliminating an amazing person or discouraging a potential partner from even contacting you because you got too specific about hair color or location, for example. Be upfront about you intentions. Are you looking for a soul mate, a friend, or a casual relationship? If you are looking for a simple friendship, then say that and avoid mentioning long-term relationships or marriage in your profile. Use language in your profile that sets the tone of who and what you are looking for. If you want a savvy business type, then describe your desires in a professional, intelligent, and savvy manner. If you want someone who is warm, patient, and caring – it’s best to have a warm and caring attitude in your writings.

Submitting Your Profile
It may take a few drafts until you’re happy with your profile, so write it and then let it be. Revisit it later to see how it reads. Ask someone close to you to review what you’ve done and give you honest feedback. Find out if they think it reflects the real you – and the best of you. Once you’re happy with what you’ve created, post it and see what results you get – you can always amend it later.

Don’t procrastinate or delay submitting your profile because you’re afraid it’s not good enough. You can always go back and make changes later – especially once you see the responses, questions, and comments you are receiving.

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