What You Yellow Aura Colors Bring to the Holidays‏: Since we’re moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your aura colors.

What You Yellow Aura Colors Bring to the Holidays‏: Since we’re moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your aura colors.

Since we’re moving into the holidays now – I thought I’d share some ideas some of the positive things you can bring to your gatherings with your aura colors.

Yellows – with your generous spirit, kind smile and sense of humor, you can keep people light and optimistic during these, sometimes, stressful times. You can remind your loved ones that life and the holidays are supposed to be fun. Keep them laughing. You’re also great at coming up with simple and creative ideas for gifts and things to do together. In-joy!!

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