The Meaning of Life – Expressions of The Infinite

The Meaning of Life – Expressions of The Infinite

What is the meaning of life? I’m aware that there will be as many answers to that question as there are souls on this planet because each of us has a different perspective and a different experience of life and “reality”. Therefore, my answer is based on my beliefs, my understanding, and my experience of life.   

My understanding is that we are expressions of Source/All That Is/The Infinite – whatever name you want to use. As expressions of Source, we are here to add to the expansion of Source through our experiences, emotions, thoughts, and creations. (Even though Source is Infinite – expansion and new creations are necessary for infinity to be.)

We are creators. I see us as playful Beings joyfully exploring and creating through consciousness – throughout the Universe, if you describe it in physical terms. There is no judgement about anything we are doing or feeling because it all adds to the expansion and experiences of Source. Experiencing any or all the emotions – love, grief, sadness, joy, fear, and more – are all just feelings we desired to experience here. So, we create (not always consciously) events and circumstances to experience those feelings. 

For over thirty-three years, I’ve had the unusual experience of “expanded awareness”. (I’ve developed psychic abilities and have been able to experience events and people outside of time and space, expanding beyond our perceived limitations and beliefs of what is possible as human beings.) What I’ve discovered through these abilities is that we really are eternal and unlimited Beings playing in the Universe. We create different circumstances for the experience – whether that’s to learn, to love, to feel, to expand our awareness, or more. We chose to have this specific physical existence this time for the same reason we go to the movies – for entertainment, to learn something, to grow, to experience feelings, to connect with other souls, and other various reasons.

In addition to my psychic abilities, I can also see energy fields or auras around people. I’ve realized that the different aura colors each reveal a different life theme, purpose and plan that specific soul has chosen for this lifetime. Some souls are here to experience saving the planet, or to fight for justice, or to counsel others. Others are here to bring joy and laughter to the world, or to create a new technology, or to teach love, or to be a spiritual leader, or to experience parenthood, or to experience the sensuousness of being in a physical body, or… the choices for life purposes are infinite.

There is no reason to argue or dispute anyone else’s beliefs or experiences here. Each soul is a different expression of the Infinite. We are all joyfully and delightfully involved in the Infinite’s desire to create and experience those different creations. I hope you’re enjoying your life adventures and creations this lifetime, no matter what choices you’re making. They all count! They’re adding to your expansion, and to the joy and expansion of the Infinite.

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