What you can bring to the holidays with your special aura color gifts. Violets – with your emotional depth, compassion, and ability to see the bigger picture, you can be a great communicator and mediator to help keep peace and harmony in the group. You can help...
What you can bring to the holidays with your special aura color gifts for blues
What you can bring to the holidays with your special aura color gifts. Blues – with your loving and sincere heart, and your ability to sense what others are feeling and needing, you make people feel cared for. You often remind people how important love is by...
Pam Takes Calls on her Radio Show 11.18.13
After weeks of having wonderful guests on the radio show, Pam will finally be taking calls and doing psychic readings on Monday, November 18, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. You can call in toll free 866-564-1290 (in Santa Barbara 564-1290.) You can listen in...
YELLOW/GREEN Aura Color Personality – Strengths & Inner Conflicts
Many of you Yellows have added Green in your aura to accomplish your dreams, so you’re not really a Yellow/Green combination. However, the same issues, strengths and inner conflict listed here will still apply to you because you have both colors in your aura now. When...
What you can bring to the holidays with your special aura color gifts for yellows
What you can bring to the holidays with your special aura color gifts. Yellows – with your generous spirit, kind smile and sense of humor, you can keep people light and optimistic during these, sometimes, stressful times. You can remind your loved ones that life...
Pam on The Better Show!
I went to NYC to be on The Better Show (a Hallmark show.) We discussed the different aura colors, how to deal with stress and what types of non-traditional gifts are great for some of the colors to give at the holidays. They were really fun and nice people. Here is...
Pam on The Clear Vibration today – Thurs, Nov 14, 5pm PT
Pam will be a guest on “The Clear Vibration” with host Joe Rumbolo. November 14, 2013 Friday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT They will be taking calls so if you’d like a free psychic reading, this is the time to call in....
Violet/Indigo aura color personality: Someone who has both Violet and Indigo in her/his aura can have some interesting strengths – and conflicts.
Violet/Indigo aura color personality (Many of you have now added Indigo into your aura, so this information can apply to you as well.) Someone who has both Violet and Indigo in her/his aura can have some interesting strengths – and conflicts. With the Violet...
Peter Russell on Pam’s Radio Show author of The Global Brain, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time, and more, will be on my radio show on Monday, 11/11 at 5:00 PM PT.
I am SO excited that Peter Russell, author of The Global Brain, The Consciousness Revolution, Waking Up in Time, and more, will be on my radio show on Monday, 11/11 at 5:00 PM PT. You can listen on www.LifeColorsCity.com or 1290 AM Talk Radio in Santa Barbara (rerun...
Lindsay Marino Intuitive Medium: “Intuitive Guidance with Lindsay Marino”….the episode will air tonight at 5pm PT
I loved having you on my show, “Intuitive Guidance with Lindsay Marino”….the episode will air tonight at 5pm PT. Here is the link for your...
The Aura Color Personalities & How They Can Accomplish Their Dreams for Reds, Oranges and Magentas
The following briefly describes the personalities and the dreams of the different aura color personalities. There are also tips on what they can do to accomplish their dreams. REDS Reds are very physical and love expressing themselves through their sensuality and...
Gary Douglas on The Pamala Oslie Hour radio show
The wonderful Gary Douglas will discuss “The Place – What you have been seeking that you always knew was possible” on The Pamala Oslie Hour radio show on Monday, Nov 4, 5:00 PM PT. He explores the possibilities of what life could be, and believes...