What are your real but very natural, greater abilities? Some might call the following abilities gifts. For myself, I consider life to be a gift and view the following talents as natural and inherent in each of us. I, and many others, have these abilities, which means...
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than it has in all the previous centuries of its existence.” —Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), futurist, inventor
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than it has in all the previous centuries of its existence.” —Nikola Tesla (1856–1943), futurist, inventor Some of you are very advanced when it...
Pam Takes Calls & Discusses Infinite You
On Monday, March 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT Pam will be taking calls & discussing Infinite You, her new book. Discover what your true, advanced abilities are and learn how you can develop them. Pam shares how your natural abilities to be telepathic, psychic, see...
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” —Niels Bohr (1885–1962), Noble Prize-winning physicist
“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”—Niels Bohr (1885–1962), Noble Prize-winning physicist What quantum physics is discovering is just as life changing as realizing that the world is not flat, or that we...
Watch what happens when a particle of light knows it’s being watched.
Watch what happens when a particle of light knows it’s being watched. I am summarizing the double-slit experiment here to show that physics has evidence that our consciousness affects reality. (This is for those who want to be amazed by what science is telling...
“Astrology 2014 with Ute Soltner” on The Pamala Oslie Show March 3, 2014
“Astrology 2014 with Ute Soltner” will be the show topic on Monday, March 3, 5:00 pm PT. Ute will be discussing what’s happening in 2014, and how you can surf all the energy that’s ahead to make the best of your life. We strongly emphasize free...
How can parallel universes, telepathy, auras and understanding other lives enhance your life? Pam Oslie discusses these topics and more on the following shows. Join us!
How can parallel universes, telepathy, auras and understanding other lives enhance your life? Pam Oslie discusses these topics and more on the following shows. Join us! Thursday, Feb 2010-11am PSTPlanetary SpiritJeff Ferranninihttp://www.planetary-spirit.com/Topic is...
February 17, 2014 Monday, 5:00 PM PT – 6:00 PM PT Pam’s radio show with special guest John Gray, best selling author, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus”
February 17, 2014 Monday, 5:00 PM PT – 6:00 PM PTPam’s radio show with special guest John Gray, best selling author, “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” John will be discussing Mars Venus Health: Natural Solutions for Brain Performance,...
Your Aura Colors & Relationships
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship. Why are some people compatible with you...
Pam Takes Calls on her Radio Show 2.10.14
I will be taking calls on my radio show on Monday, Feb 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. So if you would like some free psychic guidance or feedback, you can call the toll free number 866-564-1290. (In Santa Barbara, call 564-1290.) You can listen to the show at...
Your Aura Colors & Relationships; MAGENTAS: If you’re going to be in relationship with a Magenta, you’ll need to understand that these outlandish characters are the nonconformists and eccentric personalities of the aura colors.
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship. Why are some people compatible with you...
Your Aura Colors & Relationships; ORANGES: Orange personalities are risk-taking daredevils who need the adrenaline rush of thrilling physical adventures.
Your Aura Colors & Relationships Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship. Why are some people compatible with you...