Pam’s Blog

What are your real but very natural, greater abilities?

What are your real but very natural, greater abilities? Some might call the following abilities gifts. For myself, I consider life to be a gift and view the following talents as natural and inherent in each of us. I, and many others, have these abilities, which means...

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Pam Takes Calls & Discusses Infinite You

On Monday, March 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT Pam will be taking calls & discussing Infinite You, her new book. Discover what your true, advanced abilities are and learn how you can develop them. Pam shares how your natural abilities to be telepathic, psychic, see...

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Your Aura Colors & Relationships

Your Aura Colors & Relationships Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship. Why are some people compatible with you...

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Pam Takes Calls on her Radio Show 2.10.14‏

I will be taking calls on my radio show on Monday, Feb 10, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. So if you would like some free psychic guidance or feedback, you can call the toll free number 866-564-1290. (In Santa Barbara, call 564-1290.) You can listen to the show at...

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Your Aura Colors & Relationships; MAGENTAS: If you’re going to be in relationship with a Magenta, you’ll need to understand that these outlandish characters are the nonconformists and eccentric personalities of the aura colors.

Your Aura Colors & Relationships Since Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, we thought it would be fun to share some insights on love and relationships – whether you’re single or in a great relationship. Why are some people compatible with you...

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Take The Free Aura Colors Quiz Now!
Take this simple quiz and find out how your aura colors affect your life.
Aura Colors
 © 2015 Aura Colors

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