Pam Takes Calls on Her Radio Show Aug 19, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT: ‏ We are moving into a VERY busy schedule of having guests on the show.

Pam Takes Calls on Her Radio Show Aug 19, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT: ‏ We are moving into a VERY busy schedule of having guests on the show.

I will be taking calls on my radio show, Monday, Aug 19, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. We are moving into a VERY busy schedule of having guests on the show. It will be a month before we take calls again, so if you want a free mini psychic reading, this is the Monday to call in. You can call toll free 866-564-1290 (in Santa Barbara 564-1290.) You can listen on/en/live-radio-show.html or on 1290 AM in SB. The show will rerun on Sunday, 8:00 – 9:00 AM PT and all shows are posted in the website archives so you can listen at your convenience. We have very exciting & informative guests scheduled to appear on our show over the next three months – all with the goal of helping you live your best life! I hope you join us.

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