March 23, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. Pam’s Radio Show Roberta Grimes, The Fun of Staying in Touch: How Our Loved Ones Contact Us and How We Can Contact Them

March 23, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. Pam’s Radio Show Roberta Grimes, The Fun of Staying in Touch: How Our Loved Ones Contact Us and How We Can Contact Them

March 23, 5:00 – 6:00 pm PT. Pam’s Radio Show

High Res-Roberta_Grimes-8954-EditRoberta Grimes, The Fun of Staying in Touch: How Our Loved Ones Contact Us and How We Can Contact Them

Communicating with the dead is easier now than it ever was, and in fact your beloved may be trying to communicate with you right now! Attorney and afterlife expert, Roberta Grimes discusses the many kinds of signs we are receiving from the other side and the ways we can learn to communicate with them in return. In the 21st century, you have many ways to connect with the dead, including some that are new and evolving.  Roberta shares the wonderful and sometimes amazing ways in which the dead now let us know that they are happy and waiting for us in a glorious reality where love never ends. 

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