Lavender Aura Colors in the New Year

Lavender Aura Colors in the New Year

Lavender aura colors are gentle, free spirits who prefer to live by their feelings and intuition, rather than by their intellect. They want to be free to move in whatever direction feels right at the time, and their directions change as often as the clouds do. Lavender Auras are not here to make a social statement, change the planet, or rescue others. They just want to be free to explore their imagination, be creative and experience other realities. Through their imaginative styles, Lavender auras have a unique ability to take people into fantasy worlds or other realms through art or writing or other creative works of art. Being forced to stay in their bodies can sometimes be physically painful for Lavender auras. They need to escape into dream worlds for the same reason people need to sleep. It helps them relax and recuperate from the stress of the real world.

New Year’s Resolution: I commit to being more balanced this year. I will spend time in quiet meditation and time exploring my imagination, but I will also spend time being more grounded and practical. I commit to being more responsible, actually taking action on my ideas, and not avoiding the “real world.”

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