Indigo Aura Colors in the New Year

Indigo Aura Colors in the New Year

Indigo aura colors are here to live as examples of a new higher awareness. They are usually honest, aware, independent, fearless, and strong-willed, but also bright, creative, and sensitive. Indigos are old souls who know who they are and where they came from. They are so highly psychic, unusual and spiritually advanced that some people find it difficult to know how to deal with them. With their clarity and awareness, Indigo Auras are extraordinarily truthful and unwilling to be forced into any mold. They cannot be coerced into doing anything they do not believe in. They cannot be manipulated by peer pressure or by promises of acceptance and love from others. They do not believe in the concepts of guilt or punishment, so neither can be used effectively to persuade them to go against their basic beliefs. They can become frustrated with people and can react by becoming physically abusive, hyperactive, withdrawn, or self-destructive. 

Resolution: I commit this year to trust my intuition and acting in alignment with these inner senses. I also commit to having compassion and tolerance for those who do not understand higher spiritual principles and may have lost their way. I commit to living as an example of love and understanding so that others may see what is possible and live with the same courage and commitment.

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