Elliott Maynard, “Brave New Mind: Living in a Future-Science World” will be Pamala Oslie’s Special Guest Today 11/18/14 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT

Elliott Maynard, “Brave New Mind: Living in a Future-Science World” will be Pamala Oslie’s Special Guest Today 11/18/14 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT

November 18, 2014 Tuesday, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT

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Elliott Maynard, “Brave New Mind: Living in a Future-Science World” will be Pamala Oslie’s Special Guest


Pam’s radio show with special guest Elliott Maynard.

“Brave New Mind:  Living in a Future-Science World”

Dr. Maynard defines his master paradigm as “a new operating system for the human race.” But how does Future Science Technology assist in upgrading our mind to the mind of new man (Homo novus)?  What are the characteristics of this new man?  How do we access this quantum mind?  Maynard skillfully highlights  an array of seemingly unconnected subjects from which he weaves a “Living Tapestry.” This tapestry contains both the threads of the future science world that are already in place, as well as threads that exist in the future. By embracing this new mindset we can work collectively to birth a new era of effective fixes for a world in which our established institutions are teetering on the brink of collapse or are already broken.


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