Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, “Death Makes Life Possible – Revolutionary Insights on Living, Dying, and the Continuation of Consciousness” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, August 17, 5:00 – 6:00 pm. You can join us onwww.localhost/auracolors or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.

Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, “Death Makes Life Possible – Revolutionary Insights on Living, Dying, and the Continuation of Consciousness” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, August 17, 5:00 – 6:00 pm. You can join us onwww.localhost/auracolors or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.

schlitz-yellowbkgd[1]Dr. Marilyn Schlitz, “Death Makes Life Possible – Revolutionary Insights on Living, Dying, and the Continuation of Consciousness” is the guest on my radio show on Monday, August 17, 5:00 – 6:00 pm. You can join us onwww.localhost/auracolors or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.

Marilyn Schlitz, Ph.D. is a social anthropologist, researcher, writer, and public speaker. Join us as we discuss Transforming Our Worldviews of Death, Glimpses beyond Death and the Physical World, Science of the Afterlife, Grief as a Doorway to Transformation, Dreaming and the Transformation of Death, and Death and the Quantum Soul.  Dr. Schlitz and Deepak Chopra have also created this as an award-winning film.

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