Dr. Jim Tucker, “Return to Life – Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives” on Pam’s Radio Show‏

Dr. Jim Tucker, “Return to Life – Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives” on Pam’s Radio Show‏

images-3Unknown-4Dr. Jim Tucker, “Return to Life – Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives” is the special guest on my radio show, Mon. Aug 3, 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT. You can listen in onwww.localhost/auracolors or 1290 AM in Santa Barbara.
How could a two-year-old in Louisiana remember being a World War II pilot shot down over the Pacific? Or a boy in Oklahoma recall being a Hollywood extra? Hear about these and other fascinating cases and discover where Tucker believes this research is headed.
For the last fifteen years, Dr. Jim Tucker, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the University of Virginia, has traveled the country meeting families, hearing stories like these, and trying to determine if the children’s memories are valid. Board-certified child psychiatrist, Dr. Tucker became intrigued both by the children’s reports of past-life memories and by the prospect of studying them using an objective, scientific approach.
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