Crystal Aura Colors Gift to the Planet

Crystal Aura Colors Gift to the Planet

You Crystal Auras are much more sensitive to energies than most of the other aura color personalities. So when people become more stressed and fearful than usual, it can really affect you. You can feel fearful – and not always understand why.

One of the best ways for you to cope with this intense energy is to spend more time than usual in quiet reflection and meditation. It’s important for you to stay calm and centered. Other people can frantically rush through life, meeting deadlines, multi-tasking, and more. But you’re not at your best when you try to live that way when you try to keep up with that fast pace. The best actions for you are to be quiet, keep it simple, focus, breathe, and keep things in perspective. Remember what’s important to you Crystal Auras – your deep connection to spirit.

Because you are healers, your greatest gifts to the world are to:

1) Keep your energy calm – don’t buy into the drama, fear, and panic

2) Pray with optimism and keep positive visions, send loving thoughts and healing energy to others around the world. (That does make a difference, it works – whether or not science has discovered that yet!)

3) Connect with your deeper, quieter, inner voice daily so you “remember” and KNOW that we are all in good hands; that we are growing, changing, and evolving for the good of all life (labor pains can be challenging – but a new life is ahead)

4) Hold the energy of “trust” and “faith” for all of us – especially when others lose their faith

Your greatest strengths are your clear & quiet healing energy, and your deep spiritual connection. If you lose your connection with that greater “Source” – you will lose your balance and lose your way like others are doing.

While other aura colors need to play big, to have a louder voice, to take strong action and be in front of the masses as leaders and champions, you’re at your best when you are quiet – meditating on good things for humanity, sending out prayers of love, peace, and harmony. Your work is very important – to quietly balance out and calm down the intense, fast-paced, and panicked energy that is occurring on the planet. Trust you’re making a difference.

And this is good information for others too – even if they’re not Crystal Auras. You can teach them through your calm connection and trust in Source.

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