CRYSTAL aura color & Relationships: Crystals tend to be loving, kind, and serene. They are usually quiet and introspective beings that require a tremendous amount of time alone. They love to be at home, quietly sitting in meditation or connecting with their garden. Having clear auras, Crystals are chameleons who take on the energies of those around them. They need intelligent, happy, well-adjusted, respectful, and considerate partners because
Crystals tend to absorb the emotions, feelings, and struggles of their partners.
Crystals can become energetically drained and depressed if they are with partners who are unhappy, angry, or in any other way dysfunctional. They need to be with people who exhibit positive behavior. When Crystals are with healthy partners, those who also understand and accept their sensitive and unusual qualities, they flourish. Crystals need to connect with mates who support them and send them energy rather than drain them. Then Crystals feel alive and happy.
I don’t know of any famous Crystals to post as examples. They usually don’t like being in the spotlight.