What We Can Do…

What We Can Do…

In these challenging times…


I encourage us to keep our hearts open and our visions strong and positive – committing even more to being conscious and living intentionally with love, thus changing the world. I continue to believe that we are shifting the consciousness in positive ways, that there is more love, kindness and good in the world now, which is why events like what happened in Paris are so jarring. They don’t match the feelings and positive visions we have of life and ourselves.

I admire those countries that are putting love and compassion ahead of fear by continuing to allow fleeing and desperate refugees into their country. And I also understand those who are in fear about that. We’ve all contracted in fear at some time in our lives. Whenever there is change, chaos and discomfort are usually the first to arise. Most people dislike and even fear change. But by remaining steadfast in our commitment to improving life for all (isn’t that what we’ve been asking for?) I believe everything that is happening is leading us to a more global community, compassionate world, and evolved consciousness. We’re discovering we really are all in this together and together we have the ability to create a better world – one where we respect one another’s beliefs and experiences. I hope we can stand committed to love and light – especially when we are challenged by fear.

I’m sending everyone compassionate hugs – especially to those who have been directly affected by the current events in Europe. Our hearts are with you. We send you strength. We are holding you. Let’s focus on love and peace and not allow ourselves to move into fear. That will only create more things to fear. Let’s continue to focus on living in peace and harmony. Let’s keep a resonance with higher levels of awareness.


Final note: In my perspective (and this is just me) all of this can inspire us to change inside – changing ourselves so what we see in the “outer” world will perfectly reflect what is happening inside of us. When we are not at war within ourselves, when we are not angry or fearful inside but trusting that we and life are good, when we don’t terrorize ourselves inside or hold ourselves hostage by self-doubting or judging ourselves – then we will see that beautiful reflection in the “outer” world. When events like this happen, I immediately feel and send compassion for those affected – and then I look inside to see where I am behaving the same unloving way to myself. This is the best way I know to change “reality”.

My heart is with all of you. I’m sending you all gratitude and compassion, knowing that we are all in this experience together.



challenging times

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