It says my password is incorrect. Click on “Forgot Password” to get a temporary password emailed to you. Once you receive your temporary new password, sign In and go to […]
Your system tells me that my email address cannot be used to register. Why not? You may have previously signed up and simply don’t remember.
What if I “block” someone that I did not want to block? No problem. From their Profile page, click the “BLOCK” button. To unblock them, just click on the button […]
Will the other person know if I have blocked them? No, they won’t know. You can block or unblock any members for any reason – or unblock them at your […]
Why am I having trouble getting the site to function properly on my computer? The most common problem with website operation and functionality is the use of old browsers. Check […]
How do I use the text feature? It is easy to use, and there are several ways to reach a member with whom you’d like to send a message: If […]
I received a message from another member in my email, but when I logged on, it showed no messages and when I tried to search for the member it said, […]
I have tried searching for a friend on the site, but cannot find her when I search by her aura colors. Why not? If your friend is not “searching for” […]
Can I change my user name? Yes. You can change your user name on the “Settings” page.
How do I change my password and/or email address? You can change your password and/or email address on the “Settings” page.