You may have connected with a Tan Aura if he or she… is practical, logical and responsible. prefers to earn a steady paycheck. has a job that deals with details […]

For you Yellow Aura color personalities who are struggling with what to be when you “grow up” – here’s some fun information. (Because Yellow Auras need it to be fun.) […]

Orange aura colors are thrill-seeking daredevils and physical risk-takers. Signs of stress: You’re frustrated, impatient, feeling trapped, short-tempered, critical and physically restless. Tips to become happier: Decide what adventure you want to do […]

Magenta auras are creative, outrageous, rebellious, non-conformist, eccentric and usually exhibit shocking & outrageous behavior. Signs of stress: You’re isolated, depressed, rejected, lonely, lost, anxious, suicidal, pessimistic, unmotivated, and unable to cope […]

Lavender Auras are highly sensitive, whimsical, artistic, fragile, and spiritual. Signs of stress: You’re lost, frightened, confused, spacey, ungrounded, scattered, lonely, and feeling abandoned. Tips to become happier: Create a peaceful & calm […]

Red auras are highly physical, strong-willed, powerful, robust, hard working, sensual, and independent. Signs of stress: You’re angry, short tempered, frustrated, & physically volatile. You are over indulging (food, alcohol, sex, etc), […]

* Crystal auras are spiritual, intelligent, quiet, deep, sensitive, and introverted. Signs of stress: You’re overwhelmed, disoriented, drained, frightened, isolated, mistrustful, and have constant health issues & low energy. Tips to become happier: Meditate, […]

What is the meaning of life? I’m aware that there will be as many answers to that question as there are souls on this planet because each of us has […]

Have you ever felt like you’re here on earth for a specific purpose but for one reason or another, you haven’t been fulfilling it—maybe because it has not yet […]