
Your aura is an energy or electromagnetic field that radiates from you. We all emit energy, an aura. Even if we can’t see this energy, we’ve all felt it – […]

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If you have Violet (sometimes called purple) in your aura – Violets have a sense that they are here to do something important, that their destiny is greater than that […]

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Seeing and sensing auras are natural abilities: You have probably felt drawn to certain people. You felt comfortable standing near them. You have most likely also felt uneasy, uncomfortable, or […]

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Yes. Although people with different aura colors can be found in every city, state, and country, different areas tend to attract certain aura color personalities. People with specific aura colors […]

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People have asked about pets and auracolor compatibility so this is what I’ve observed over the years. Generally, but not always, these are the pets found with the different auracolors […]

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We all emit energy, an aura. Science calls it an electromagnetic or energy field. The aura has been scientifically detected through Kirlian photography and other electronic equipment. Even if some […]

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Taking the Quantum Leap Energy & Consciousness Non-Local Mind Five Levels of Consciousness Quantum Physics Parallel Universes Listen to the replay here 

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I am excited to be one of 21 speakers in this global online event who are here to encourage and support you on your life journey! We each offer you […]

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Metaphysical Mysteries & Revelation Julia Griffin and I discuss my new book, The Truth According to John: A Metaphysical Mystery of Revelation and Transformation, which is met with positive reviews, […]

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I’m about to make my next Quantum Leap in life and would love for you to make your next leap too! Before I leap, I’m offering you my very advanced […]

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