Announcing Lisa Garr’s New Book “Becoming Aware”!!‏

Announcing Lisa Garr’s New Book “Becoming Aware”!!‏

I know many of you know of our wonderful friend Lisa Garr from The Aware Show. I’m excited to announce she just released her first book “Becoming Aware”!! It’s a great story! We want to support her sharing this important information with the world. Learn more about Lisa’s new book here:

Lisa had a near-death experience and shares her fascinating journey, which has never been told before. You’ll be amazed at the huge transformational truths she discovered when she was out of her body and how all of us can access this same powerful information.

In “Becoming Aware” Lisa not only shares her personal story, there are also dozens of exercises, teachings and Awarisms that she has gleaned from interviewing over 1500 transformational leaders, notaries such as Dr Wayne Dyer, on her internationally popular program The Aware Show.

Lisa Garr will also be the special guest on my radio show on Monday, May 25, 5:00 – 6:00pm PT.

On the show, Lisa shares her near-death experience and the profound insights she gained! It is amazing and inspirational information! You can join us here www.localhost/auracolors on Monday, May 25 and again on Sunday, June 1, 8:00 am PT. I love bringing people onto the show who have inspirational and helpful information to help us lift the consciousness on the planet! I hope you join us!

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