John Herlosky, “A Sorcerer’s Apprentice: A Skeptic’s Journey into the CIA’s Project Star Gate” on Pam’s Radio Show 6/1 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT

John Herlosky, “A Sorcerer’s Apprentice: A Skeptic’s Journey into the CIA’s Project Star Gate” on Pam’s Radio Show 6/1 from 5:00 – 6:00 PM PT

John Herlosky, “A Sorcerer’s Apprentice: A Skeptic’s Journey into the CIA’s Project Star Gate”

John Herlosky, former police officer and instructor, an expert in the field of human performance technologies, and self-described skeptic, is perhaps one of the last people to become a believer in the power of “consciousness related phenomena,” but after attending a class taught by a former member of the CIA’s Star Gate psychic spy unit, Dr. David Morehouse, and having experiences of his own, his life changed forever.

John discusses “remote viewing” and other consciousness-related phenomena and the relevance they have in our world today. What is remote viewing used for? Does it have value for everyday life? What is the significance of these types of phenomena, such as reincarnation, telepathy and others – and is there scientific evidence for them?

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