Are people with specific aura colors happier living in specific areas, cities, and countries?  

Are people with specific aura colors happier living in specific areas, cities, and countries?  

Yes. Although people with different aura colors can be found in every city, state, and country, different areas tend to attract certain aura color personalities. People with specific aura colors tend to be happier in places that offer them what their aura personality needs.

For example, people with Violet auras can become bored in small, sleepy communities unless they travel frequently. They need access to interesting cultural, political, or spiritual events and people. Breathtaking and inspiring scenery or dramatic weather also appeals to Violets. 

Green aura people need to live in or near larger cities where there is action, career opportunity, and the potential to make a lot of money. 

People with Yellow auras are typically drawn to warmer climates and natural environments. Usually, Yellow aura people do not function well where there are a lot of buildings, traffic, and concrete, unless there are creative opportunities, or they can heal more people in that busier city. But Yellows do need nature!

People with Lavender or Crystal auras are attracted to quiet, simple, and pretty environments. They need quiet to meditate often. 

Orange aura color people prefer to live where there is nature but where they also have easy access to their favorite daring sport. They may live close to high mountains, along fast-moving rivers, or near Hollywood so they can work as stunt doubles. 

People with Magenta auras tend to live in larger cities where their outrageous or bizarre behavior is usually more tolerated or over-looked.

The following locations resonate predominantly with these aura colors. If you live in any areas, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have these colors. However, if you feel drawn to one of these areas, it may mean you have at least one of these colors in your aura.

On a side note, because Violets are global humanitarians, many Violet aura color people are unsure where home is right now. It’s important for them to understand that the world is their home, and that they may be traveling extensively and internationally during their lifetime.

Sample cities:

Detroit – Green and Tan

London – Tan and Violet

Los Angeles – Violet, Yellow, and Tan (Beverly Hills – Green)

New York – Green with Violet

Paris – Violet and Green

Rio – Red and Yellow

San Francisco – Violet

Seattle – Violet

Tokyo – Green

Washington, D.C. – Violet

Sample states:

Alaska – Red and Yellow

Arizona – Yellow and Tan

California (southern) – Yellow (with Violet)

California (northern) – Violet 

Colorado – Yellow and Tan

Florida – Yellow and Green

Hawaii – Yellow, Blue, and Violet

New Jersey – Green and Blue

New Mexico – Yellow and Tan (with some Violet)

New York – Green with Violet

Sample countries:

Africa – Yellow and Violet

Australia – Yellow

Brazil – Red and Blue

England – Logical Tan & Violet

France – Green/Violet

Germany – Green

Italy – Yellow/Violet

Japan – Green

Mexico – Yellow

Spain – Yellow/ Violet

US – Yellow/Violet  (Yellow/Violet country that thinks it’s supposed to be Logical Tan and Blue. This creates conflict. Violets desire freedom and global peace; Yellows are rebellious youth who want to play.  Tans think they are supposed to focus on security and jobs. Blues constantly try to rescue everyone.)

Sample sections in the US:

East Coast – Green and Violet

West Coast – Yellow and Violet

Northeast – Green with Violet

Southeast – Yellow, Tan, and Blue

Midwest – Tan and Blue

Northwest – Violet

Southwest – Yellow and Tan (with some Violet)

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