Pamala Oslie Presents
“Advanced Human” Transformational Retreat
5 nights – March 6-11, 2017
Limit 7-10 Participants

This is experiential, interactive and more intimate retreat is for those who are fully committed to evolving and living at a higher level as a way of being.
You’ll discover how to access and consistently live your true Quantum powers and abilities! The focus is to shift your limited perception of reality to a greater level of awareness, to be able to use the power of your mind to create anything with ease, to experience non-local mind, heightened intuition, other dimensions, and more. Receive guidance to release subconscious beliefs that block you, to help you get out of your own way and live your greatest life. The more you fully immerse yourself in expanded consciousness and experience your own advanced skills, the more real and natural they will become for you.
Limiting this retreat to 7 – 10 participants insures more personal attention and interaction.
Platinum VIP Inner Circle Special Package
Avila Beach, CA. March 6 – 11, 2017
The Platinum Inner Circle gives you the full 5-night retreat plus extra bonuses: a personal private reading/coaching session with Pam, free VIP access to all of Pam’s 2017 workshops, as well as the Quantum Leap Workshop eCourse, the Infinite You eCourse, the Premium Aura Colors eCourse and more. So register now.

Platinum includes..
- Private reading/coaching session ($250 value)
- Quantum Leap Workshop eCourse ($238 value)
- Live – 2 ½-day Austria Workshops: June 3 – 5, 2017 ($700 value)
- Your Aura Colors
- Live – Quantum Leap Workshop
- Live – 2-day Ireland Workshops: June 10 & 11, 2017 ($600 value)
- Your Aura Colors
- Develop Your Intuitive & Psychic Abilities
- Infinite You – A Journey to Your Greater Self & Beyond
- Premium Aura Colors eCourse ($246 value)
- Infinite You eCourse ($127 value)
- Guided Imagery Meditation MP3: Abundance, Health and Attracting Love ($ 60 value)
(Total Value Added = $2221)
I encourage you take full advantage of these extra bonuses, especially attending the other workshops before hand, or listening to the Quantum Leap and the Infinite You eCourses. It all adds to the experience you will have at the retreat. It is not a requirement, however.
“Becoming an Advanced Human” 5-Night Transformational Retreat,
Avila Beach, CA March 6 – 11, 2017
$2695 – Double occupancy
$3295 – Single occupancy
(Singles – To receive the double occupancy rate, you can request to be placed in a room with another single, like-minded, wonderful retreat participant.)
*Platinum VIP Inner Circle Special Package for the “Becoming an Advanced Human” 5-Night Transformational Retreat,
Avila Beach, CA March 6 – 11, 2017
$3395 – Double occupancy
$3995 – Single occupancy
(Singles – To receive the double occupancy rate, you can request to be placed in a room with another single, like-minded, wonderful retreat participant.)
About Pamala Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, radio show host, professional psychic intuitive, and aura expert. Pamala has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Dr. Oz Show, The View, The Ricki Lake Show, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Hallmark’s Home & Family, Gaiam TV with Lisa Garr, and many other television and radio shows. She has also been featured in many national magazines.
Pam has written four successful and popular books, Life Colors, Love Colors, Infinite You and Make Your Dreams Come True, and has a very extensive clientele, including many celebrities. Pam has spoken at the TEDx Talks 2012, the International Forum on New Science, Fortune 500 companies, and many seminars for professionals in the psychology, education, health fields and more. She was awarded the Holistic Transformational Leader of the Year Award in 2014 by the Global Association of Holistic Psychotherapy and Coaching.
Pam is the Founder of a site designed to help you create love, joy and fulfillment in EVERY area of your life. She also developed, this site is designed to help you find love and friendships by matching you with people who have compatible aura colors.
Disclaimer: Pamala Oslie presents the information in this workshop for educational purposes only. The information provided by Pamala is not intended to diagnose or prescribe medical or psychological conditions nor claim to prevent, treat, mitigate or to cure such conditions. The information contained in the workshop is not intended to replace a professional diagnosis or advice from a doctor or mental health professional.