Whitney Freya “The Artist Within: A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit”

Whitney Freya “The Artist Within: A Guide to Becoming Creatively Fit”


Whitney is widely known as a muse who can help you tap into your creativity and connect with your soul. Whether you are looking to be a writer, architect, entrepreneur, painter, or business leader, connecting with your true creative self can help you in all areas of your life. Discover how your creative, right brain can deliver answers and find solutions for your life that your practical, left-brain thinking may be missing. Whitney shares specific techniques that can help you change your life.
Whitney is a motivational speaker, creative entrepreneur, and corporate creativity trainer. Her unique application of turning art into the “art of living” has garnered her national attention on CBS News, Martha Stewart Radio, & HGTV among others. If you ever felt that you have creative potential, or even if you don’t but you want to be more creative, listen in to discover how to unlock your own Artist Within.

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