Paulette Sherman, Will Arntz and Deirdre Hade

Paulette Sherman, Will Arntz and Deirdre Hade


Dec 19, 2016 (2 Segments)

“The Benefits of Sacred Baths” with Dr. Paulette Sherman

Dr. Sherman shows you how to use the relaxing practice of sacred baths to improve your love life, succeed in your career, strengthen your health, and transform your spirit. Paulette’s recipes for baths are tailored to a specific emotional or spiritual need, from stress relief to divine assistance to self-connection for overall well-being. Using essential oils, candles, and color therapy along with visualization and ritual practice, you’ll raise your vibration and release negative energy down the drain. (Dr. Paulette Kouffman Sherman is an award-winning author, relationship expert featured in The NY Times, Newsweek,, CBS’s The Early Show and a recognized licensed psychologist and life coach, specializing in singles and couples therapy.)


“The (not so) Little Book of Surprises” with Deirdre Hade and Will Arntz

This discussion on “surprise” and how it changes us comes courtesy of William Arntz, the creator and producer the internationally renowned film What the Bleep Do We Know!? and his wife, spiritual teacher and poet Deirdre Hade. Discover more about the science of surprise, and how surprise physiologically, psychologically and spiritually changes us. Learn how close science is to accepting the reality of the human mystical experience. Their work focuses on the mystical journey into consciousness, and explores what touches our hearts, a glimmering reflection on nature and ourselves, and more.

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