Dr. Jaime Kulaga “The SuperWoman’s Guide to Super Fulfillment” & Dr. Kathy Gruver “Journey of Healing”

Dr. Jaime Kulaga “The SuperWoman’s Guide to Super Fulfillment” & Dr. Kathy Gruver “Journey of Healing”


Discover how you can live a healthy, happy, stress-free and fulfilling life.

Kulaga bookDr. Jaime KalugaWho doesn’t feel over-worked, over-tired, stress-out and pushed to the limit these days? We all feel we aren’t DOING ENOUGH, we don’t have enough time or money, and we are lost to ourselves, awash in commitments that never allow for our own moments of self-care, personal enjoyment and individual reward. As Dr. Jaime Kulaga puts it, we are on the Ferris Wheel that keeps us stuck going round and round.

First, Dr. Kulaga reveals steps to live a balanced and fulfilled life, where you can work, care for your family, and give to yourself. It takes time, self-awareness, and strategies that really work.

Gruver book-1Unknown-6Hear tips on how to achieve balance between life and work and be personally fulfilled. Learn how to begin enjoying life again, stop struggling and focus on how to create a lifestyle that works for you instead of against you.

Then Dr. Kathy Gruver shares her techniques for overcoming stress so you can live a balanced and healthy life. She shows you how to gain control over your reaction to stress. Learn the current theories and techniques to put you back in charge. Discover how meditation, taking risks, and dozens of alternative techniques can help you strengthen your mind/body connection.

It’s time for you – for all of us – to enjoy life, not just survive. Join both of these amazing women as they share their personal experiences and insights into how you can live your healthiest and most fulfilling life too.

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