David Young, “Divine Inner Guidance” 

David Young, “Divine Inner Guidance” 


Why is it that sometimes you just know things? Sometimes you do it right without really trying. You feel divinely guided and that there is a oneness to life. Life feels more magical, and flows with ease and synchronicity. This is because you are listening to something that is guiding you. When you don’t listen, it’s a far different story.

David Young shares his experiences with what is now occurring on the planet, how our ability to connect with ascended masters, great teachers and loved ones on the other side is on the rise. What are these divine masters teaching us? Why do we have more access to these great teachers now? How can we listen more clearly to our intuition and inner guidance? And how can our current transformation and “soul ascension” bring heaven onto Earth?

David Young is a twice Grammy nominated, transformational musician who has recorded 57 albums, sold over 1,000,000 copies, written three books and plays two Renaissance flutes at one time. Over the past year, David has presented over 150 “Soul Activation Events” around the country. The soothing music of his flutes, along with inspired, guided meditations, lead most participants to what they report as the most profound life altering experience of their lives.david young


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