Welcome to Aura Colors, Jessica Cernunnos! Here are your Personal Aura Color results.
Your primary aura color is: Lavender.
Your secondary aura color is: Magenta.
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Have fun on your journey into the world of auras!
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Pamala Oslie gives you a closer look at how your Aura Colors impact your life …
Watch the free videos about your Personal Aura Colors here!
And read more about your colors here.
Everyone has personal dreams and desires, and a unique way of living life.
Some people want to save the planet or make a major contribution to the world. Others desire to have a simple and carefree life, happy to spend time in nature while playing with their pets. Some risk-takers are driven to be entrepreneurs, while others prefer the security of a low stress job.
The various personality types are revealed in the different aura colors. Discovering your personality type can help you better understand yourself, how to live true to yourself, and what direction, methods, and actions will work best for you to reach your dreams.
How Are Your Aura Colors Influencing Your Life?
Your personal aura colors influence your:
- Life purpose. Discover how you can live a fulfilling life by living true to yourself
- Personal path to happiness and fulfillment
- Relationship styles and compatibilities. Learn how to create harmony with loved ones
- Career direction. Don’t stay stuck in an unfulfilling job or lifestyle
- Potential health issues. What specific steps can you take to stay healthy?
- How you deal with money. Discover how you can improve your ability to manifest abundance by using your natural aura color skills
- And more…
What Exactly Are Auras?
The aura is the electromagnetic or energy field that radiates from all matter although some matter is so dense and vibrates so slowly that it is often difficult to detect its aura. Yes, these energy fields are real. Physicists and bio-physicists are studying this phenomenon and finding evidence to support their existence. Most people are unaware of all the advancements made in science. Throughout the ages artists have depicted the aura as a halo or glowing light that appears around the heads or bodies of highly evolved spiritual masters and saints. Apparently, the auras around these beings were so clear and so powerful that others could easily see, feel, or sense them. Recently, the aura has also been scientifically detected through equipment such as Kirlian photography and gas discharge visualization (GDV) cameras.
Meet Pam Oslie, The World’s Leading Aura Expert
Pamala Oslie is an author, consultant, radio show host, and professional psychic who can see the electro-magnetic field (the aura) that surrounds people. She has appeared on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, The Dr. Oz Show, The View, The Ricki Lake Show, Coast to Coast with George Noory, Hallmark’s Better TV, Home and Family, and many other television and radio shows.
Pamala has written four successful and popular books, Life Colors, Love Colors, Infinite You, and Make Your Dreams Come True, and has a very extensive clientele, including many celebrities. She has been a guest lecturer at the TEDx Talks 2012, the International Forum on New Science, Fortune 500 companies, and seminars for professionals in the psychology, education, health fields and more.
The founder of localhost/auracolors, Pam’s mission is to help you create love, joy and fulfillment in EVERY area of your life.
“Pamala Oslie is at the forefront of a valuable and innovative approach to understanding people and their different personality types. Her unique information is incredibly insightful and accurate. She was rated one of the top speakers at the International Forum on New Science.” Robert L. Siblerud, Executive Vice President, International Association for New Science
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