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Our special Aura Colors Premium Members are the only ones who have access our Beginners Aura Colors Course, the radio show archives, interviews with experts, discounts on products and courses, drawings for free readings, exclusive conference calls, special written information, and a lot more.

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    • Full Access To Radio Show Archives
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    • Abundance Meditation MP3
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    • Full Access To Radio Show Archives
    • Member Discounts On Products & Courses
    • Members Only E-mails from Pam
    • First Notice for Workshops and Retreats
    PLUS! Get This Exclusive Bonus!
    • Abundance Meditation MP3
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  • $29.70
  • ($4.95 per month)
    • Full Access To Radio Show Archives
    • Member Discounts On Products & Courses
    • Members Only E-mails from Pam
    • First Notice for Workshops and Retreats
    PLUS! Get This Exclusive Bonus!
    • Abundance Meditation MP3
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“It’s like having your own special life coach to help you accomplish your dreams.”

Hear wisdom from such experts as Don Miguel Ruiz, Gregg Braden, Arielle Ford, Marci Shimoff, Gary Zukav, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Fred Alan Wolfe, Bruce Lipton, Dan Millman, Gay & Kathlyn Hendricks, Anthony Edwards, Kenny Loggins, Cesar Millan, Lisa Williams, Peter Russell, and a growing list of more.

Exclusive Premium Membership Benefits

In depth advice and information on your aura colors, love & relationships, money, career, health, family & children, life purpose & direction, quantum physics, consciousness, spirituality and more with… Total access to EVERYTHING on this site!

  • The Beginner’s Aura Color Course
  • Full Access To All Radio Show Interview Archives
  • Member Discounts On Products and Courses

PLUS! Get Exclusive Member Bonuses

  • Win a Free Reading with Pam
  • Exclusive Members Meditations

You also have regular access to:

  • The Aura Color Quiz & Descriptions
  • Live Radio Show
  • Products
  • Events Calendar
  • Past Media Interviews

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It’s like having your own special life coach with advice and guidance available to you all the time. You can cancel your membership at any time. Join others like you who are committed to growing and evolving so we can all create fulfilling lives.

The Aura Colors Beginners Course

As a Member, you’ll get direct access to the Aura Colors Beginners Course for free. This is a fun and easy way to begin your adventure into the fascinating world of auras and to discover specific information about each of the fourteen different Aura Colors. As a result, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of not just your own colors, but of friends, family and associates. Possessing this knowledge will give you a better understanding of how to improve your life on so many levels. Discover your true colors!

  • Radio Show Interview Archives

    Enjoy advice from some of the world’s greatest leading edge thinkers and experts – right in you own home! Members enjoy commercial-free access to hundreds of exclusive interviews conducted by Pam over many years on her radio show. These amazing experts cover a huge variety of important topics like happiness, love, relationships, success, health, wealth, quantum physics, the future of our world, higher consciousness, and more.

  • Discounts On Products & Courses

    Discounts, discounts and more discounts! Throughout the years, Pam has created numerous courses, workshops, meditations, and special events. When you become an AuraColors Member, you’ll be entitled to receive discounts on many of Pam’s products, courses, and workshops.

  • Master Classes with Pam

    Join Pam for exclusive Master Classes – an in-depth experience in which Pam delves deep into a particular topic. Pam is your guide on your journey to an enlightened and abundant life. She covers a wide variety of topics – from living your aura colors’ greatest potential to quantum physics to relationships to using parallel universes to change your life, and more.

  • Live Q & A Calls With Pam

    Now you can enjoy direct access to Pam in LIVE Q & A Calls. Members can submit questions and suggestions for topics. From Aura Colors, to Creating Happy Relationships, to Achieving Success, to Parallel Universes, to Telepathy, to Mind Over Matter, Pam answers Member questions during these calls. Replays and downloads of these exclusive calls are available to Members only.

PLUS! Get Exclusive Member Bonuses

  • Win A Free Reading With Pam

    Members have the opportunity to win a free reading with Pam. Winners are selected in a random drawing every month. Considered one of the world’s foremost psychic intuitives, Pam is known for her amazing accuracy, her authenticity, and her special way of sharing insightful information and heart-felt guidance with each person. Pam has a long waiting list so this is a great way to access her guidance sooner.

  • Exclusive Members Meditations

    As a Bonus you can download complimentary meditations selected especially for Members to assist them on their personal path of self-discovery and life fulfillment. Normally sold through Pam’s store, these high-value MP3′s are member favorites. We encourage you to listen and make the leap to your best life!

Not a member yet? Sign up today.

Take The Free Aura Colors Quiz Now!
Take this simple quiz and find out how your aura colors affect your life.
Aura Colors
 © 2015 Aura Colors

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