Premium Aura Colors Course — Outline

(17 Hour Course)
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Premium Aura Colors Course — Outline

Fully immerse yourself and learn about all the aura colors and their specific personalities in this course.

Each color personality type is different. Your path to wellbeing may be different than that of the other aura color personalities. You don’t necessarily benefit by taking the same path as others, nor thrive taking the same actions. Discover which methods work best for you. Learn the unique personal methods that can help you achieve joy and success. Discover which specific steps help your personal aura color personality create happiness in life.

This information also helps validate what you’ve always felt about yourself deep inside, gives you permission to finally be your true self and live your true colors, and helps you understand everyone in your life.

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Session #1: Introduction To Aura Colors
In this first session, you’ll learn what an aura is, what a “life color” is, what combination colors are, the definitions of “in” and “out” of power, and why it matters which one you are. In addition, Pam briefly shares her story of how she started seeing auras.

Session #2: The Physical Aura Colors
(Videos: approx 1 hour)
While each of us has a physical body, a mind, and emotions, each of the different aura color “families” has a predominant way of processing information. There is a difference between the “Physical” “Mental” and “Emotional” Aura Color families.Begin your exploration of the different aura color personalities by learning about the various qualities of the “Physical Aura Colors.” The physical colors predominantly process life through touch and their physical bodies.
The Physical Aura Colors are Red, Orange, Magenta, and Yellow. If you are you one of these intriguing colors you’ll discover:
  • The positive qualities and strengths of your personality type
  • The challenges you might face when you lose your center or become unhappy
  • What specific steps you can take to regain your emotional balance and become happier. What works for one aura color doesn’t always work for another color.
  • Which aura color personalities are compatible with you and how you can improve the dynamics in all your relationships
  • Your strengths and weaknesses with money and success
  • Your potential health issues and which methods work best for you to stay healthy
  • And more…
Whether you are a Physical Aura Color or you know someone with these colors, you can gain a better understanding and appreciation of each of these unique Physical Aura Color personalities. Discover how to live your best or how to get along with these physical personalities.

Session #3: The Mental Aura Colors
(Videos: approx 1 hour)
In this session, you’ll learn about the unique traits of the “Mental Aura Color” personalities. The Mental Colors predominantly process life through their minds – through reason, logic, and analyzing data. Here you’ll receive an overview of what is important to each of the following colors.
The Mental Aura Colors are Tans (Logical Tan, Sensitive Tan, Environmental Tan, Abstract Tan) and Green. If you are you one of these interesting “Mental” colors you’ll discover:
  • Your beneficial personality qualities and how you can bring the best out of you
  • The different challenges you may face with your particular aura color
  • What specific steps and methods you can take to overcome difficulties
  • What methods work best for you to manifest money and success
  • Which aura color personalities are compatible with you and your strengths in creating long-lasting relationships
  • Your most common health issues, how you can prevent these illnesses, and what you can do to stay healthy
  • And more…
If you are a Mental Aura Color, or any of your loved ones have these colors, this information can help you learn to respect, value, and appreciate each of these unique color personalities. Discover how you can best live your inherent strengths and natural skills as a Mental Aura Color.

Session #4: The Emotional Aura Colors
(Videos: approx 1 hour)
Discover some of the distinct qualities of the various “Emotional Aura Color” personalities. The “Emotional Colors” predominantly process life through their inner senses, inner vision, intuition, and emotions.
The Emotional Colors are Blue, Violet, Indigo, Lavender, and Green. If you are you one of these unique aura colors you’ll discover:
  • Your best personality qualities and how they influence your life
  • The different challenges you often encounter with your particular aura color
  • Your needs and priorities in relationships and what you can do to create harmony with loved ones
  • Your definition of success and your most fulfilling career directions
  • What specific steps and methods work best for you to solve problems
  • Your potential health issues and specific methods for your colors to stay healthy
  • And more…
Whether you are an Emotional Aura color or you have loved ones who are, exploring the unique personalities, needs, desires, strengths and weaknesses of each of these colors can either validate things about yourself that you’ve sensed your entire life, or it can help you better understand the people in your life who have these colors.

Session #5 – Bonus Aura Color Topics
In this session, you’ll get a quick peek into other categories about the colors – color combinations, color compatibility, how some aura colors manifest, and example life purposes.
  • Frequently Found Combination Colors (20 min)– Explore a few of the aura color combination personalities – two “life” colors around one person. Discover how each color can either complement the other by adding balance, power or strength to the other color, or how the two different colors can create inner conflict inside a person. Often each color wants its own needs met, which can be opposite needs, so the colors can fight against each other.
  • Aura Color Compatibility (3:49) A brief explanation about how and why certain aura colors are compatible, and how you can create a happy relationship even if you are with someone who has incompatible aura colors.
  • How Some Colors Manifest (3:10) Examples of how some of the different aura color personalities manifest what they want in life. (I.E. Violets, Blues, Physical Colors, Greens, & Tans)
  • Colors: Life Purpose (1:25) A brief look at how each aura color personality has chosen a unique life purpose and theme for this lifetime.

Session #6: The Physical Colors — Advice on How to Be Happy & Healthy
(Audios: approximately 1/2 hour)
This session begins with advice for the Physical Aura Colors. Learn the specific steps you and each of the physical aura colors can take to stay happy and healthy.Your path to wellbeing may be different than that of the other color personalities. You don’t necessarily benefit by taking the same actions as others, nor thrive doing the same activities. Discover which methods benefit you and your personal aura colors and how those methods can take you through your life adventures with greater ease. Imagine having a personal handbook that takes into consideration your personality type, and offers specific tools and advice tailor-made for your lifestyle.
The colors covered in this session are Red, Orange, Magenta, and Yellow.

Session #7: The Mental Colors — Advice on How to Be Happy & Healthy
(Audios: approximately 1/2 hour)
Explore the specific guidelines that are helpful for the Mental Aura Colors. Learn about the steps each needs to take in order for them to maintain equilibrium and a sense of wellbeing. Each of the aura colors has potential health issues that can arise if they are not happy, and each needs to take specific actions to stay balanced and healthy. If you are a Mental Aura Color, discover which methods work best for you. Since it’s common for Tans to keep their feelings to themselves, and for Greens to be perfectionists, and since it’s common knowledge that both types of behavior can lead to serious health challenges – receiving clues on how to stay healthy could be invaluable for people with these colors.
The colors discussed in this session are Tans (Logical Tan, Sensitive Tan, Environmental Tan, Abstract Tan) and Green.

Session #8: The Emotional Colors — Advice on How to Be Happy & Healthy
(Audios: approximately 1 hour)
This session offers advice to the “Emotional Aura Colors” and reveals how each color can achieve optimum health, happiness and wellbeing.Some aura color personalities benefit more from meditation, while others require exercise to stay healthy. Some must spend a tremendous amount of time in solitude to prevent feeling overwhelmed, while others become depressed if they don’t feel socially connected to others. Are you taking your best course of action for your highest good? Discover what your aura color personality needs to maintain health and wellbeing.
The colors explored in this session are Blue, Violet, Indigo, Lavender, and Crystal.

Bonus Session: A Conversation About Health & Your Emotions
(Audio: 22:45)
Explore the affect your emotions may have on your health, and discover steps you can take to stay healthy and balanced. Most health challenges have a mental & emotional cause underlying them. Learn how different techniques and ways of shifting your thinking and emotional state can improve your overall health.

Session #9: The Physical Colors — What Each Color Needs in Relationships
(Audio: approx ½ hour)
Here we explore the different relationship styles of the Physical Colors. If you are a Physical Aura color, discover your strengths and priorities in relationships. Or discover why you may experience challenges in a relationship with some of these particular Physical personalities and what you can do to improve your interactions. By understanding and respecting each color’s needs and desires rather than wanting each to be more like you, you can create a more loving partnership.
The colors discussed in this session are Red, Orange, Magenta, and Yellow.

Session #10: The Mental Colors — What Each Color Needs in Relationships
(Audio: approx ½ hour)
In this session you can learn how to create a long-lasting and compatible relationship as a Mental Color or how best to be in a healthy relationship with one. Explore the specific traits and qualities each of these colors desires in a partner. Discover the different relationship styles, needs and priorities of the specific Mental Colors. Discover the positive benefits each of these personalities can bring to a relationship. Learn how each communicates and why some might not openly express their emotions. (Not all the Mental Colors are comfortable sharing their feelings.) Learn how you can value their strengths rather than try to force them to change so you can create harmony in your relationship.
The colors reviewed in this session are Tans (Logical Tan, Sensitive Tan, Environmental Tan, Abstract Tan) and Green.

Session #11: The Emotional Colors — What Each Color Needs in Relationships
(Audio: approx 1 hour)

Whether you are looking for love or focused on creating harmony in your current relationship, understanding the different needs, desires and priorities of these specific Emotional Colors can enhance your experience. If you are one of these Emotional Colors, this knowledge can also help you realize who is naturally compatible with you and why – so you’re not looking for love in all the wrong places.

Some of you Emotional Colors crave a lot of time, attention, and deep emotional bonding with your partner, while some of you prefer partners who give you a lot of space and freedom. And then some of you benefit from partners who allow you a lot of privacy, quiet and solitude. If you are looking to be in a relationship with one of these Emotional Colors, discover which of them will be most compatible with you and which will meet more of your personal needs.

The colors explored here are Blue, Violet, Indigo, Lavender, and Crystal.

Session #12: How to Recognize the Aura Color Personalities
(Audio: approx. 1 hour)

So how do you know what aura colors someone has – especially if you can’t ask him or her to take the aura color quiz? Each of the aura color personalities has behaviors and qualities that make them easy to recognize.

Learning to see auras can help you know which aura color personality you’ve encountered. However, if you never develop the ability to see auras, learning how to recognize the colors by their behavior, language or lifestyles can also help you know who they are.

Do you know which color tends to fidget and has a hard time sitting still? Do you know which color usually communicates by using visual terms such as “I see” or “I have a dream”? In this session you’ll become more aware of the different color’s signs and behaviors. Knowing which aura color personality you’ve met can give you a great head start in developing a healthy and harmonious relationship.

Session #13: Where to Find Each Color
(Audio: approx 40 minutes)

If you would like to meet or form a relationship with any of the aura color personalities, this session describes where each aura color is likely to be found. Discover their hobbies, interests and favorite places to go. This can help you locate those who are compatible with you.

If you’d like to meet a Violet personality, for example, they love music, humanitarian causes and travel. Discover some of the places you can go to meet an “in power” and dynamic Violet.

Or if you are attracted to the Yellow personality, learn where the healthy Yellows can be found – such as the dog park or the beach. And discover which locations Yellows hang out which may lead to disappointment for you. This segment offers suggestions where you can go to meet new friends or that special someone – ideas that may never have crossed your mind.


Bonus Session: Where Do the Aura Colors Live?
(Audio: about 11 min.)
This special session gives an overview of the lifestyle and environment preferences of many of the colors. Discover which aura colors prefer to live in big cities, which thrive in nature, which colors need solitude, and which prefer to travel or live in foreign countries.Are you living in an environment that meets the needs of your aura color personality? Are you having trouble finding a compatible companion in your area? There may be a reason why your not feeling fulfilled. In this session you’ll hear interesting insights about the different aura color personalities that may help you find your best place to live or locate your most compatible partner.

Session #14: Red Overlays — Healing Hurt, Anger & Self-Sabotage
(Audio: approx 40 minutes)
Learn about Red Overlays, the challenges and dangers of having one, how you or someone you know may have developed one, and how you can heal and release this red overlay.

Session #15 Learn How to See Auras
(Audio and Written)
  • Learn How to See & Sense Auras (Audio, 20:37)
    We all have the ability to see or sense auras. Each of the different aura color personalities has its own strengths and methods of doing so. Some are visual and can see the aura. Others are kinesthetic and can feel it. Learn a variety of different methods to discover which works best for you.
  • Written Directions
    Learn a variety of step-by-step instructions to see and sense auras, and discover which methods work best for your aura colors.

Session #16: The Physical Colors — Career Advice For Each Color
(Audio: approx 1.5 hours)

Are you in a fulfilling career? Are you or someone you know questioning which direction to go? Do you know which type of career or job will be the best match for you?

In this session we explore which career directions could satisfy each of the Physical Color personalities. Heading in the career direction that will fit the natural skills and interests of your aura colors can enable you to actually enjoy your work. Are you one of the Physical Aura Colors? Discover some of the careers or jobs that will be the most fulfilling and enjoyable for you.

Covered in this session are careers for Red, Orange, Magenta, and Yellow

Session #17: The Mental Colors — Career Advice For Each Color
(Audio: approx. ½ hour)
Here we explore which career directions could satisfy the different Mental Color personalities. If you are a Mental Color, or you live with one, understanding that most Tans prefer secure and stable employment, while Greens are typically the driven entrepreneurs, can help reduce stress and misunderstandings for all involved. Discover the priorities of each color, the work environments where each will thrive, and the best directions each can take to accomplish their business goals, so you can avoid years of frustration. Find out the perfect work environment for you.
Careers are discussed for the following colors: Tans and Green.

Session #18: The Emotional Colors — Career Advice For Each Color
(Audio: approx 1 hour)
In this session we continue exploring beneficial career directions for the different aura colors. We focus here on the Emotional Aura Colors. It’s like having your own personal career consultant. If you or someone you know is one of these colors, see if these ideas match what you’ve always dreamed of doing. If you’re in an unfulfilling career, or have outgrown your current job, these ideas may get you considering a whole new direction.
Here are some great career directions for the following colors: Blue, Violet, Indigo, Lavender, and Crystal.

Session #19: Aura Colors & Careers Teleseminar
(Audio: 1 hour)

In this teleseminar, you’ll hear specific advice and detailed, step-by-step directions how some of the different aura colors can accomplish their dream careers and accomplish their goals.

Learn how and where different color personalities can sabotage their own success and prevent themselves from reaching their goals. Also discover which specific actions can help them move forward.

The main colors discussed here are Violets, Yellows, Blues, Greens, Crystals, and Tans but you can still benefit from hearing Pam’s sage and detailed advice on how people can accomplish their dreams and goals. The same information may apply to you as well.

Session #20: Helpful Advice for the Aura Colors
(Audio: approx 45 minutes)
Join Pam as she shares additional insights and helpful tips for various aura colors. Discover a few more tips on how you can live your full potential, and how you can maintain balance and inner peace in your life. You’ll also discover how you can deal with different family personalities at the holidays, or why you may have weight issues.
  • Balancing Your Life Colors
  • Weight Issues & Aura Colors
  • Family at the Holidays

Session #21: Get Unstuck & Fully Live Your Aura Colors — Teleseminar
(Audio: over 1 hour)

Discover what your aura colors reveal about your purpose for being on the planet, how and why you as a specific color gets stuck, and what you can do to move your life forward.

Learn what practical steps you can take to move beyond your blocks, so you can accomplish your goals and live your life purpose.

The advice shared in this Teleseminar focuses on the aura color personalities who attended: Violets, Yellows, Blues, Tans, Indigos, Crystals, and Greens. However whether or not you are one of these aura colors, the advice is very helpful and may easily apply to your circumstances as well.

Read Written Summary on Each Color
(Audio: approx 45 minutes)
Join Pam as she shares additional insights and helpful tips for various aura colors. Discover a few more tips on how you can live your full potential, and how you can maintain balance and inner peace in your life. You’ll also discover how you can deal with different family personalities at the holidays, or why you may have weight issues.
  • Personality Descriptions
  • Life Purpose
  • Money & Abundance
  • Love & Relationships
  • Careers & Jobs
  • Health

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