Blues are some of the most loving, nurturing and supportive personalities of the Life Colors. They live from their heart and emotions. Their purpose for being on the planet is to give love, to teach love and to learn that they are loved. Their priorities are love, relationships, and spirituality. Blues are helpers who focus on service – traditionally teachers, counselors, nurses, and more.
Individual Blue Aura Course Outline
Introduction To Auras
(Video 12 min)
In this first session, you’ll learn what an aura is, what a “life color” is, what combination colors are, the definitions of “in” and “out” of power, and why it matters which one you are. In addition, Pam briefly shares her story of how she started seeing auras.
Your Blue Aura Color
(Video 19:14)
In this session about your personal aura color, you’ll discover:
- The positive qualities and strengths of your personality type
- The challenges you might face when you lose your center or become unhappy
- What specific steps you can take to regain your emotional balance and become happier. What works for one aura color doesn’t always work for another color.
- The needs, priorities and positive traits you can bring to your relationships to create long-term harmony and compatibility
- Your strengths and weaknesses with money and success
- Your most fulfilling career directions
- Your potential health issues and which methods work best for you to stay healthy
- And more…
How to Keep Your Blue Aura Color Happy & Healthy
(Audio 12:52)

What a Blue Aura Color Needs in Relationships
(Audio 14:02)
In this session you can learn how your specific aura color personality can create a long-lasting and compatible relationship. Discover your unique relationship strengths, style, needs and priorities. Learn about the positive qualities and benefits your color can bring to your relationships. Explore the specific traits and characteristics your color needs in a partner, what type of person will be the most compatible with you, and how you can create a healthy and harmonious relationship. Whether you are looking for love or focused on creating harmony in your current relationship, understanding the different needs, desires and priorities of your personal color can enhance your experience. This knowledge can also help you realize who is naturally compatible with you and why – so you don’t struggle unnecessarily or look for love in all the wrong places.
Where to Find a Blue Aura Color
(Audio 3:46)
If you would like to meet or form a relationship with anyone with a similar aura color, this session describes where people with your color are likely to be found. Discover the hobbies, interests and favorite places to go for your aura color. This can help you locate those who have similar interests as you. It can also guide you to your most fulfilling activities and locations.
Career Advice For Your Blue Aura Color
(Audio 16:28)

How to Recognize the Aura Color Personalities
(Audio 50:54)

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