Learn more about your amazing aura color here!

There is even more video, audio, and written information in the “Individual Tan Aura Course” and the “Premium Aura Colors Course” Click the links to learn more about this color.
The Environmental Tan Life Color is a deep tan-colored band layered with a forest-green-colored band. The Environmental Tan is the bridge between the physical family and the mental family.
Environmental Tans experience their reality by physically touching their environment and then mentally analyzing it. (Occasionally, Yellow/Tan Combinations who have suppressed their free-spirited Yellow aspect believe themselves to be Environmental Tans. It is important that Yellow/Tans find a way to reconnect with their Yellow aspect rather than live believing they are Environmental Tan.)
Like their Logical Tan and Sensitive Tan counterparts, Environmental Tans desire security, stability, and logic. They operate best in a world of rules, boundaries, standards, and logical outcomes that follow basic laws of cause and effect.
Environmental Tans prefer structure and discipline. They process life in an orderly and sequential manner just as Logical Tans do, but they have the added ability to judge or measure their environment from an inner perception.
These amazing personalities can intuitively analyze spatial situations. They can sense the exact distance from one side of a room to the other just by looking at it. Environmental Tans relate kinesthetically and mentally to their environment.